'Godzilla 2' Delayed, 'Godzilla Vs. King Kong' Release Date Announced

Warner Bros. revealed some late night release date shuffling yesterday evening and fans of Gareth Edwards' 2014 'Godzilla' reboot found themselves disappointed that the sequel has been pushed back almost a year. Originally slated to arrive June 8, 2018, it has now been delayed until March 22, 2019. This can be seen as a smart move by Warner bros. if they're as dedicated to their new cinematic monsterverse as they seem to be and care about the quality of the individual films that will make it up. Edwards will be fresh off of 'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story,' and will need time to develop a worthy sequel that will answer some of the criticisms audiences had with the first film. 

Another viable reason for the date change comes in the form of a giant monster's worst enemy: giant robots! Paramount had slated the new Transformers film to debut on the same date as 'Godzilla 2,' so it makes sense that one of them would blink first and move to a less competitive weekend.

The other monstrous shoe to drop in this announcement, found the upcoming 'Godzilla vs King Kong' finally getting an official release date. The reboot/remake/sequel will crash into theaters May 29, 2020, and so far, doesn't have much competition in the month. 

One other curious news item came out of this report, and it may or may not be giant monster related. Apparently on December 25, 2018, WB's will release an "untitled event film." What does that mean? If it is part of this monsterverse they're creating, it could be something early in development that they're confident enough in to schedule a release date for, or maybe even tied to something that occurs in 'Kong: Skull Island' which comes out the same year. They could even be trying something along the lines of '10 Cloverfield Lane,' attempting Bad Robot's marketing blitz strategy and surprising audiences with a big property out of nowhere. Either way, we all know that WB's is becoming the studio to look to for our gargantuan creature feature fix thanks to their newly acquired 'Monsterpocalypse' rights presumptively revealing their focus over the next few years. 

Does it bother you having to wait even longer for a 2014 'Godzilla' follow-up? What do you think their "untitled event film" might be? Let us know in the comments section.


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