Coleman McClung Coleman McClung

Kong And Godzilla Barbecue On Monster Island In This Raunchy Stop-Motion Short

We've waited so long for King Kong and Godzilla to share the screen again, but didn't expect it to be like this. Filmmaker and self described monster fan Harry Chaskin has joined up with Justin Michael and Dan Lippert to create this new stop-motion animated short: 'Monster Island.' Described as "upbeat and rude" by its creators, this stunted Daikaiju film brings together the two biggest names in giant monsters and puts them on beach to shoot the shit while they barbecue and curse like sailors. Check out the obscene and hilarious video after the jump.

We've waited so long for King Kong and Godzilla to share the screen again, but didn't expect it to be like this. Filmmaker and self described monster fan Harry Chaskin has joined up with Justin Michael and Dan Lippert to create this new stop-motion animated short: 'Monster Island.' Described as "upbeat and rude" by its creators, this stunted Daikaiju film brings together the two biggest names in giant monsters and puts them on beach to shoot the shit while they barbecue and curse like sailors. Check out the obscene and hilarious video below.

So, outside of the 'Clerks' meets 'King Kong v.s. Godzilla' elevator pitch, this short film actually has a lot of nods to giant monster fans. From Kong bursting out of a theater (and showing up for most of the film paralyzed because of his tumble off the Empire State building) to the fact that Monster Island is depicted in full Toho fashion, I thought the filmmakers went to a lot of trouble to make this something for the fan base, and did a lot more than just tell a few clever jokes (which are definitely there as well).

I'd love to see more filmmakers tackle giant monsters in the short format, as it's more accessible to a low budget scenario, but there are tons of angles to be explored that could lead to feature film representation down the road. It's funny little comedic videos like this that lead to more public interest and an explosion of the genre into more mainstream appeal, which is what we should all want. If you haven't seen it, Chaskin previously made a great short about an aging movie monster in his twilight years, and it's definitely worth checking out as well. Here you go:

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Kyle Minnick Kyle Minnick

New 'Ghostbusters' Trailer Includes Callback To The Original Iconic Giant Monster

Looks like the most recent 'Ghostbusters' trailer just showed off the third act villain and it looks to be a somewhat familiar face. As you can see below, it looks like we may have a similar type of Stay Puft Marshmellow Man-esque monster in the 2016 film. Now I'm not saying that Gozer the Gozerian is back to manifest giant-sized terror in this reboot of the popular franchise, but it looks like the new film may be borrowing a similar final fight for the climax of the movie. Check out the new trailer that was released over Twitter earlier today after the jump.

Looks like the most recent 'Ghostbusters' trailer just showed off the third act villain and it looks to be a somewhat familiar face. As you can see below, it looks like we may have a similar type of Stay Puft Marshmallow Man-esque monster in the 2016 film. Now I'm not saying that Gozer the Gozerian is back to manifest giant-sized terror in this reboot of the popular franchise, but it looks like the new film may be borrowing a similar final fight for the climax of the movie. Check out the new trailer that was released over Twitter earlier today: 


And here's a closer look at Paul Feig's new monstrosity:

There actually are three Kaiju-sized ghosts that appear in the new trailer: one being a really tall humanoid ghost with stripped pants (he has appeared in the other trailers), then there are the parade balloon ghosts, and finally we have the aforementioned giant marshmallow man-ish ghost. This monster appears to have somehow taken the form of the ghost on the actual Ghostbusters logo. Fans of the original 1984 'Ghostbusters' will remember that the original Stay Puft was actually just the Sumerian god Gozer using Ray's memories from his childhood ("WHAT DID YOU DO RAY!") to create a physical form in our world. Maybe the movie is doing something similar with whatever villainous specter causing all the trouble this time.

Now the 2016 film and the 1984 film definitely do not fit into the category of giant monster films (more like a movie with giant monster scenes in them) so neither movie really qualifies for full coverage on our site. However, the iconography of Stay Puft marching down the New York city streets is one of the more famous giant monster moments in cinema history. I'm really not super excited for this reboot, but the effects work do look top notch and I am pumped to see some major destruction of the city from the new ghosts. Hopefully, the movie as a whole doesn't fall apart under the weight of the super passionate 'Ghostbusters' fans and their issues with director Paul Feig's very different approach to the universe.

Are you excited for the new movie? What are your theories about the new Stay Puft-ish ghost?

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