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'Godzilla: Monster Planet' - First Look at our Anime Godzilla revealed!

Well I've been saying for weeks that it has been way too quiet on the Netflix anime front. Today that changed in a big way as the official website was updated to include our first glimpse at the first ever anime Godzilla! Check it out below!

Well I've been saying for weeks that it has been way too quiet on the Netflix anime front. Today that changed in a big way as the official website was updated to include our first glimpse at the first ever anime Godzilla! Check it out below!

Wow definitely not the direction I thought they were going to go! It definitely evokes Legendary Goji quite a bit which I'm sure is not going to sit well with some fans but I personally like it a lot. Obviously this is a very stylized image and doesn't give us a whole lot to go on but it's cool we are getting more information regardless. Hopefully we'll be getting a trailer sooner rather than later.

What do you guys think? Do you like that they are using a tweaked legendary design?

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