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Jurassic World Dominion Trailer 1 - Full Breakdown

Well this was a pleasant surprise! Everyone was expecting a trailer to release with the Super Bowl this Sunday but Universal decided to do a surprise drop out of nowhere! Check out the trailer and full breakdown!

Well this was a pleasant surprise! Everyone was expecting a trailer to release with the Super Bowl this Sunday but Universal decided to do a surprise drop out of nowhere! Check out the trailer and full breakdown below!

Whoa! That was a lot of cool stuff wasn’t it? Well it’s time to over analyze the heck out of that glorious 3 minutes to see what we can find out:

First we get some amazing Cowboys Vs Dinosaurs action. Lets wrangle us some Parasaurolophus! Also I feel the need to mention how amazing the cinematography is. This movie is gonna be gorgeous!

Chris Pratt gets a great dinosaur whisperer moment with one of the Paras.

Our first look Maisie Lockwood who hopefully is feeling a little guilty and responsible for the giant ecological disaster she created. Also, nothing like a wandering Apatosaurus to stop your logging operation.

Introducing Blue’s bouncing baby, Beta! We must protect Beta at all costs!

Loving the amber Universal logo.

A snowy encounter with Owen and Maisie at a cabin. That’s the same vehicle we saw at the end of Fallen Kingdom so I’m gonna guess they built this cabin out here near Blue’s territory.

Hmm I wonder when this scene takes place. Later in the trailer it looks like we see Beta being captured by a net of some sort. Is this movie a rescue mission?

Well there goes the fishing industry. Man the Mosasaur is always impressive.

Rexy’s visit to the drive-in seems to be in the movie after all. In case you didn’t notice her design has been slightly altered in Dominion to match more closely with the animatronic from the original Jurassic Park.

Boots like that can only belong to one man in the JP franchise!

Welcome back Laura Dern and Sam Neil! You both look great! Also it looks like Ellie may be divorced from her husband from JP3. There is a distinct lack of a wedding band.

Spot the JP3 easter egg (bottom left)! Looks like Alan kept the velociraptor resonating chamber.

“You coming or what?” I wonder what they are investigating, maybe it has something to do with the scene we see later in the trailer on the farm?

Nature in harmony. I’d bet this is from the end of the movie when the dinosaurs and our modern fauna have fully integrated with each other.

The first dinosaur we see with feathers is a Therizinosaurus! This scene also leads to my favorite shot of the trailer! Therizinosaurus has a fun history in paleontology, at first it was thought to be a huge carnivore but once more of its remains were found it turned out to be a big Veggiesaurus.

Clean shaven Malcolm enters the trailer giving us our roll credits line, “We not only lack dominion…”

DNA replacement? Not sure what’s going on here but that’s definitely Ellie looking at the screen.

The nefarious Dr Wu has let his hair grow out and he sure doesn’t look happy. The shoulder on the left probably belongs to our returning villain Lewis Dodgson played by Campbell Scott. He runs the rival genetic company Biosyn but you may remember him most from the attempt to steal embryos from the original Jurassic Park with Dennis Nedry.

An Atrociraptor chases Claire across the roof tops of Malta. This sequence almost has a James Bond and/or Mission impossible feel to it. We see more of this sequence later but from Owen’s point of view. The Atrociraptors appear to be our main Raptor threat this movie and rumors are pointing to Biosyn as their creator.

So we have heard multiple times from Universal that this is the end of the current saga of 6 films. If/when the franchise comes back it’s going to look very different.

Welcome to Biosyn Mr Grant. I can’t help but notice that this building is in a deciduous forest and it has long been rumored we would be returning to Isla Sorna in this movie…could it be?

This feathery boy is named Pyroraptor. We also get our first look at our brand new character, Kayla. Rumors point to a surprising reveal of who she actually is but I won’t spoil that for now. This seems to take place after the plane crash we are about to see.

Love the classic throw back to Ellie’s JP look. Are those Locusts? Not sure what is going on here at all. Could we be getting some sort of cloned ancient insect?

“I always come back.” Well that’s a bit ominous. I highly doubt they will kill off Owen but I suppose you never really know.

Another part of the Malta chase, two of the Atrociraptor Squad are chasing Owen through the streets. Ghost is the name of the albino raptor on the right. We also get a brief glimpse of two other Carnivores attacking the city, an adult Allosaurus and a Carnotaur. No idea if the Carno is Diablo from Fallen Kingdom or could this be Toro from Camp Cretaceous making a live action debut.

Pterosaur attack! First off we get our first look at Quetzalcoatlus who easily takes out the engines of the plane our heroes are in. Then we see a Pterodactyl heading straight for Claire! I love that they gave Quetz the down like feathers.

A herd of Naustoceratops attack a jeep convoy at night. Loving the silhouette nature of the cinematography here!

Beta no! Somebody set a trap and the baby got caught in it. Were they trying to catch Beta or was this just a coincidence? The vehicle behind Blue doesn’t appear to be Owen’s car.

On first glimpse I thought this was the Giganotosaurus but on further inspection it actually appears to be Rexy! The skin texture and tooth shape matches a Rex more. Also this is actually a very clever nod to the book version of Lost World! In the novel, Arby gets into a cage very similar to the one we see Maisie in. It does not go well for him and he gets tossed around by some raptors. I wonder if Maisie will share the same fate but with Rexy trying get a snack.

I think these shots are of thee bowls of the Biosyn facility we saw earlier in the trailer. This is also the first shot of our heroes meeting up.

Dilophosaurus is back baby! Love this practical animatronic!

The whole gang is here! This is definitely the money shot of the trailer and for sure will put some people at ease that thought we’d have another Star Wars seuqels situation on our hands.

The new Giganotosaurus shows up just in time for the big finale. Don’t get a good look at its design here but it looks to be pretty close to the one we saw in The Prologue scene.

That’s a wrap for our first trailer! What did you think about it? Did I catch somethings that you didn’t?

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Featured Kyle Minnick Featured Kyle Minnick

'Godzilla: King of the Monsters" Final Look Trailer and Breakdown

Well I’m kind of surprised we got one more trailer for this movie since it releases literally a week from today but here we are. Keep in mind that this trailer does contain some footage that some would consider spoiler territory. Consider yourselves warned! If you don’t care about a super minor spoiler that we’ve known about since the toys released and Trailer 2 happened…well then you have come to the right place!

Well I’m kind of surprised we got one more trailer for this movie since it releases literally a week from today but here we are. Keep in mind that this trailer does contain some footage that some would consider spoiler territory. Consider yourselves warned! If you don’t care about a super minor spoiler that we’ve known about since the toys released and Trailer 2 happened…well then you have come to the right place!

First thing to notice (and most G-fans have already jumped on the hate train) is the song choice of ‘Mama said knock you out’. I may be crazy but I think this is a reference way back to the year of 1996 when Godzilla won the Lifetime Achievement Award from MTV.

Anyway enough about the music let’s breakdown the few new shots we got in this trailer.

First up we have another brief glimpse of the Rodan and Mothra battle. Not sure what that big flash is…

I don’t think this shot is new but this is a really nice moment between Goji and Serizawa.

Looks like adult Mothra has a new ability! Or should I say a carried over ability from her previous form? Mothra used String Shot!

Okay so I accidentally stumbled upon this terrifying shot of Ghidorah chasing after and destroying this vehicle. Jesus the Ghidorah in this movie just might give some people nightmares.

Ok so we’ve definitely seen this shot in a different trailer but we get to see what happens right after this.

Godzilla is a such a good boy in this movie. He protec but he also attac.

Now the next photos are the ones some would consider spoiler territory!



Be warned!!



You still here?



Ok but don’t say I didn’t warn you!



This is the clearest look we have gotten of our MonsterVerse version of Burning Godzilla (who we have learned is called Fire Godzilla officially). I love that every crease and fold of Goji’s skin is glowing red like lava. Also look at those glowing red eyes!

Looks like Fire Godzilla has lightning jumping between his spines! This is legitimately something that I have always wanted to see on a Godzilla design!

Look at that size difference! Right after this screenshot Mothra actually bitch slaps Rodan with her new claw like appendages. This Mothra can scrap!

Finally we have 100% confirmation that the object falling from the sky is Godzilla. How in the heck will Kong stand a chance against a creature that can survive an orbital drop? I guess we’ll find out next year!

What did you guys all think about the Final Look at Godzilla: King of the Monsters? Have you bought your tickets yet?

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Featured Kyle Minnick Featured Kyle Minnick

'Godzilla: King of the Monsters' Trailer 2 - A Rival Alpha to Godzilla

Here we go folks! Get ready for some Titan action! Check out the brand new trailer for ‘Godzilla: King of the Monsters’!

Here we go folks! Get ready for some Titan action! Check out the brand new trailer for ‘Godzilla: King of the Monsters’!

So much to unpack in this trailer! One things for sure, they definitely aren’t hiding the monsters this time around. I will be posting a full trailer breakdown tomorrow as always but for now let’s just enjoy the beautiful shots in this new trailer! What did you guys think of the new trailer?

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Featured Kyle Minnick Featured Kyle Minnick

'Pacific Rim: Uprising' Imax Trailer - "I Think We Pissed Him Off"

Even though the last trailer was listed as "final" it appears the marketing department doesn't know the meaning of the word. This new trailer is super action packed and maybe gives a little too much away. Check it out!

Even though the last trailer was listed as "final" it appears the marketing department doesn't know the meaning of the word. This new trailer is super action packed and maybe gives a little too much away. Check it out!

Potential Spoilers

Still here? Good! 

Well it looks like this trailer gave away the death of one of the Jaegers. I mean I think we were all kidding ourselves if we thought they would all survive but I feel like I really didn't want to know which one was going to be ripped to shreds.

This trailer is actually probably the first one to sell me on the movie. Maybe it's because the effects finally look close to being finished but this trailer sure made the movie look like a lot of fun!

What did you think of the IMAX trailer?

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Featured Kyle Minnick Featured Kyle Minnick

'Godzilla: Resurgence' - Behind The Scenes And Trailer 2 Footage Breakdown

Time for the honored tradition of taking screenshots from a trailer and over-analyzing them. 'Godzilla: Resurgence' has a new trailer (Watch it here) that released early this morning and they also had a short behind-the-scenes special on a morning radio show (Watch that one here). There is a ton of new footage and plenty to talk about so let's dive in.

Time for the honored tradition of taking screenshots from a trailer and over-analyzing them. 'Godzilla: Resurgence' has a new trailer (Watch it here) that released early this morning and they also had a short behind-the-scenes special on a morning radio show (Watch that one here). There is a ton of new footage and plenty to talk about so let's dive in.

We open the trailer with a nice low angle shot of Godzilla's head with his hand in the foreground. I think this is the only shot of his hand that it doesn't look like a little baby hand (yeah I'm not gonna let the size of his arms and hands go) and it's a nice shot to start us off with. We get a couple of reused Godzilla shots from the previous trailer after this, with one cool perspective shot of Godzilla and his tail peaking through the buildings as the crowd runs away. Afterwards we get to watch a group of people talking about something, but unfortunately we still have no idea what is going on. Just like the first trailer, this one is completely devoid of dialogue and that makes the middle of the trailer especially hard to get through. But I'll tell you what there is a lot of... I'll give you one guess...

Boardroom scenes! You get a boardroom and you get a boardroom! Seriously though, in this trailer alone there are four completely different boardroom sets/scenes and to be honest it worries me. To me, this makes it seem like the main cast members are going to be away from the action every time, which will definitely cause a major disconnect when we cut from one to the other. The best Godzilla attack moments usually come when we have a person on the ground is involved in the action, like a military commander that gets to be right at the forefront when the tanks and helicopters do their thing. Speaking of helicopters next up we have an awesome shot from the TV spots.

I love, and I do mean love, how much the camera is moving around with the military vehicles during the attack sequences we have seen. This juxtaposes well with Godzilla's overall lack of movement (other than his tail...man that thing is crazy!) and makes the scenes exciting to watch. This movie is definitely going to be visually stunning!

I know everybody loves the charging shot from later in the trailer, but this is actually my favorite shot from this new trailer. The mini-gun bullets are literally bouncing off of his face! It reminds me of one of the cooler scenes from 'Superman Returns' (some might say the only good scene) where the bullet bounces off of his eye and Superman doesn't even flinch. Speaking of not flinching:

We now see a group of shots where Godzilla is bombarded to the face and knees, all of which show off some pretty impressive CGI explosions. Godzilla takes all these hits and keeps on coming like a champ! I think that these scenes are actually helped by this Godzilla designs apparent lack of movement as it really gives you the feeling that this monster is unstoppable. If all that ordinance does nothing, then what will? How can they stop this immovable object?

Just like I said in the TV spot article, this design really shines in the night sequences. These shots are some of the few from which I actually feel the terror that the design is trying to portray. This shot reminds me of the scene in 'Godzilla 1985' when he arrives at the nuclear plant and steps on the hapless worker.

Man this shot is cool! It radiates demonic vibe, and that is a very good thing. Now this would be something that would fundamentally frighten me if I saw this from the rooftop of a building. Love the glowing red parts of his body at night (very 'Godzilla vs Destoroyah').

We end on the roar shot from the first trailer but it looks less awkward now that we can see the beginning and end of the roar. I don't know why they didn't use this slightly extended version in the first trailer, since it looks better with just 5 seconds more of footage. 

Now we get to the biggest talking point of the trailer, Godzilla's beam charges up purple! In my humble opinion, I don't think that we are actually getting a fully purple beam but the glowing purple images are extremely striking. I think that the beam is going to start out purple at the base of his mouth and then turn blue as it goes farther out from his mouth. The reason he charges up purple is of course because this Godzilla is constantly glowing red. Red+Blue = Purple. This would also make sense given that a purple chemical flame is hotter than a blue flame, so naturally the farther the beam is from the source (Godzilla's gaping maw) the cooler and less intense the beam will be.

Now finally we have some shots from the little behind the scenes morning show clip. All of the good images are super far away shots to show the scale of Godzilla as he comes ashore. Please excuse the poor quality of the images and the little bits of text that sneak their way into the images.

Unfortunately this design still looks extremely silly from the front. If I were Anno (the director of 'Godzilla: Resurgence') I would have avoided this angle at all costs but it actually seems to be one of his favorite shots for an approaching Godzilla. Which is weird when it is followed by the following beautiful image.

Now that is a Godzilla silhouette that I can get behind! This is the first long distance shot of the Shin-Goji design that I have actually been stunned by. He really looks like '84 Goji, and I (personally) love it.

There are two other really cool sequences that I couldn't get a worthy grab of from the behind the scenes: a shot of Godzilla walking and making shingles fall off a building, as well as a quick scene with one of the main actors seeing Godzilla's head (very similar to the 'Gojira (1954)' puppet shots) and speaking a line of dialogue. Both of these are very interesting and I can't wait to see them in better quality at some point in the future.

I can't wait to hear fans reactions to the full film when it releases in Japan on July 29th. What did you guys think of the trailer? Do you agree that the breath may still turn blue throughout Godzilla's beam? Let us know in the comments below.

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Kyle Minnick Kyle Minnick

'Godzilla: Resurgence' Trailer 2 - Purple?!

Well this week is officially awesome! First we get two TV spots and now we get a final trailer for 'Godzilla: Resurgence.' Check it out!

Well this week is officially awesome! First we get two TV spots and now we get a final trailer for 'Godzilla: Resurgence.' Check it out!

There sure is a lot of cool stuff in this trailer! The human side of the story does look a bit worrisome though (boardrooms galore!).

Keep an eye out for my full trailer breakdown later today!

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