Featured Kyle Minnick Featured Kyle Minnick

'Rampage' Trailer 2 - Just a Man and His Ape

We are officially getting close to the release dates of the big Giant Monster movies of the year and this time it's Rampage's time to shine! Check out the new trailer.

We are officially getting close to the release dates of the big Giant Monster movies of the year and this time it's Rampage's time to shine! Check out the new trailer.

Wow this trailer is super fun. I'm really surprised that my hype for Rampage may have overtaken 'Pacific Rim: Uprising.' The three monsters in the film all look beautiful and deadly with Lizzie standing out to me as the best designed of the bunch. Loving Ralph the Unbelievable!

What do you think of the new trailer?

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Featured Kyle Minnick Featured Kyle Minnick

'Pacific Rim: Uprising' Final Trailer - So It's Treason Then?

Looks like we're are all in for a world of hurt. Someone on this side of the breach has betrayed us and it's up to Jake Pentecost to save us all from ruin. Check out the action packed final trailer for 'Pacific Rim: Uprising'!

Looks like we're are all in for a world of hurt. Someone on this side of the breach has betrayed us and it's up to Jake Pentecost to save us all from ruin. Check out the action packed final trailer for 'Pacific Rim: Uprising'!

Well that certainly looks like a blast! There certainly is a lot to digest in this trailer including the fact that I was right about the Kaiju-ized Jaegers. Crazy stuff! 

They also released a snazzy new poster to go along with the trailer.

What do you guys think of the new trailer? Did it up your hype levels to maximum?

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Featured Kyle Minnick Featured Kyle Minnick

'Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters' World Wide Release Date!

And we have a date folks! After a couple month long wait, the first anime Godzilla film will be getting it's worldwide release sooner than we all thought!

And we have a date folks! After a couple month long wait, the first anime Godzilla film will be getting it's worldwide release sooner than we all thought!

That's right folks! January 17th is our big day and Tokyo Lives will be covering it ASAP after that with a special report. Hope you guys are ready!

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Featured Kyle Minnick Featured Kyle Minnick

Tokyo Lives Fan Month Movie Announcement!

Happy New Year! It brings me great pleasure to officially announce the winning films for Tokyo Lives' first ever Fan Month! 

Happy New Year! It brings me great pleasure to officially announce the winning films for Tokyo Lives' first ever Fan Month! We are super excited to talk about both of these films and can't wait to get 2018 off to a great start.

First up we've got the Cowboy Vs Dinosaur extravaganza known as 'Valley of Gwangi.' This will be the first entry of our new On The Fringe episode type where we go into films that are giant monster adjacent.

This movie pulled ahead in the polls really early and nothing could stop it's rampage.

Later in the month we are finally going to cover the Norwegian found footage film 'Troll Hunter.' Not to be confused with the Netflix animated show by Del Toro, this film features a extremely unique take on troll lore and we definitely get a good Godzilla sized Troll at the end.

This was a close match up with our Patrons and it only squeezed by it's draconic competition. We even had to get a revote!

Keep in mind that all of the other films that were up to be voted on will be covered at some point in future episodes of the cast. 

Hope you enjoy these Fan Month episodes and look forward to us doing another Fan Month contest in the not so distant future!

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Featured Cameron Heikkila Featured Cameron Heikkila

A Very Ultra Christmas Carol

It’s that time again, when families all over the world hang shiny things from trees, light candles, fast, and go see the new Star Wars movie. That’s right, it’s time for…

It’s that time again, when families all over the world hang shiny things from trees, light candles, fast, and go see the new Star Wars movie. A time for caring, sharing, daring to dream of a better tomorrow. A time for gazing at the dawning of a New Year and hoping for all the good that may come your way. That’s right, it’s time for…

Ultraman has also christmas,hum? very nice


If this is your first ULTRACHRISTMAS celebration, welcome! Come, get drunk in the street with Red King and Kanegon, then be disappointed at the terrible snowman that Garamon has made.

Don't worry! He knows what he's done.

Maybe you’d like to do some last minute shopping? Uh oh, looks like Baltan’s been putting it off too. Hoping those flowers make up for it, eh Baltan?

How embarrassing!

Who’s that crossing the street? Why its Zetton, and he’s got some….skis? Maybe a bassoon? No one knows what Zetton’s up to. It’s probably better that way.

Hey Dada, what’s wrong? I assume by your body language that your sad but your horrible abstract-60’- art-face betrays no emotion.

I don't have a witty caption. I just needed y'all to see this. The file name was "Dada WOWOWOW"

Oh! Look up there everyone! No, not the six-year-old serenading us with Wham!’s magnum opus “Last Christmas”. In the sky! Its Ultraclaus!

Father of Ultra Bless us! Everyone!

This honestly answers a lot of question about the Santa mythos. How can he visit all the world’s children in one night? Because he’s an alien made entirely of laser beams. Better be good, or else you’ll get a great big lump of chokehold in your stocking.

Better luck next year.

Every other day of the year, monsters come to earth to conquer/destroy it, only for an Ultra to piledrive them through a building and blast them into space with a hefty dose of Specium Ray. Its nice that for one night, everyone can just kind of exist next to each other. Until next week. Next week, those guys can go hang.


Merry ULTRACHRISTMAS everyone, see ya'll next year.

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Featured Kyle Minnick Featured Kyle Minnick

'Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom' Trailer!

So I know that some of you out there may disagree with us covering this movie...too bad because this trailer was amazing! Check it out!

So I know that some of you out there may disagree with us covering this movie...too bad because this trailer was amazing! Check it out!

Man where do I even start?! The T-rex! Volcanic Isla Nublar! Blue!

This trailer was so chock full of goodies I'm gonna have to rewatch this thing a billion times. I really like that the plot is almost a reverse Lost World.

What do you guys think?

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Featured Kyle Minnick Featured Kyle Minnick

'Rampage' - First Trailer Released!

It's still really hard to believe that a movie based on the giant monster video game  from the late 80s is actually happening sometimes but with the release of the first trailer we can no longer ignore it's existence. Check it out!

It's still really hard to believe that a movie based on the giant monster video game  from the late 80s is actually happening sometimes but with the release of the first trailer we can no longer ignore it's existence. Check it out!

Is it weird that it looks surprisingly good? Looks like we may have another fun Giant Monster film in 2018 to satiate our thirst for destruction! I really wasn't sure of the tone they were going to take with this property since there really isn't much of a story in the old games but I like that the giant monster side of the story seems to be a somewhat serious affair. Also I love the charisma the Dwayne Johnson always brings to his roles so that's another check in the "will Kyle enjoy this movie" box.

What do you think of the trailer? Let us know in the comments!

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Featured Kyle Minnick Featured Kyle Minnick

'Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters' - New Trailer Released!

Well just 2 days after recording the latest episode of the podcast we get a new full length trailer for the anime Godzilla film releaseing on November 17th in Japan. Apparently I really do need to stop calling out the fact that we have no news! Check out the trailer after the break!

Well just 2 days after recording the latest episode of the podcast we get a new full length trailer for the anime Godzilla film releaseing on November 17th in Japan. Apparently I really do need to stop calling out the fact that we have no news! Check out the trailer after the break!

It's definitely good to see that Toho isn't following Shin with another Godzilla who doesn't react to things. Also it looks like the beam of Plantzilla is just Shin's beam but now it's back to the traditional blue. Unfortunately I still do not speak Japanese so I have no idea what is actually being said in this trailer but the visuals are definitely growing on me. Except for Plantzilla's derpy face.

What did you guys think of the trailer? Let us know in the comments.

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Featured Cameron Heikkila Featured Cameron Heikkila

Cameron's pro-strats for monster fighting

City Shrouded in Shadow is slated for release very soon, and it seems poised to send us scurrying through a ruined Japan like so many frightened cockroaches before titanic terrors and gargantuan….big things. If there’s one thing 27 years worth of video games has taught me, it’s that no boss is unbeatable, not even the unbeatable ones!

City Shrouded in Shadow is slated for release very soon, and it seems poised to send us scurrying through a ruined Japan like so many frightened cockroaches before titanic terrors and gargantuan….big….things.

Yeah, things like that.

But these dudes and dudettes aren't invincible invaders, they're clearly bosses. And if there’s one thing 27 years worth of video games has taught me, it’s that no boss is unbeatable, not even the unbeatable ones!

Remember us?

“But cameron!” you say, “How can we beat Godzilla? He’s not Kong, we can’t just shoot him a bunch.” Well, quit yer belly-achin’, because, like always, I have the perfect solution.

Over my long illustrious career of boss-fighting, I’ve honed four immortal techniques that can flatten even the most fearsome mutated and/or genetically engineered critter. So gather ‘round and I’ll show you how to Batman this Justice League.

That's him. That's Batman.

Technique the first!

The Loki

The thing most of these big baddies have on us is size (and lasers). The one thing we have on them is our size. I give you…

Big stupid idiot

...the tried and true method of tricking the boss into slamming his own head into a wall! This method is tricky, and requires precise timing. It usually involves baiting your adversary into committing to an attack, then dodging out of the way, causing the enemy to beat the eff out of themselves by slamming into some kind of environmental hazard. Kind of like the Kraken in Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, who you have to trick into bashing his brain box into pillars, or the Barroth in the Monster Hunter games, who runs his big, dumb face into walls if you can dodge out of the way in time.


Technique the second!

The Trap

This one is sometimes a variation of the Loki, but not always. This one use the environment, and sometimes means using yourself as bait, but rather than relying on momentum to push the monster into something hard and hurty, the Trap lures the baddy into a prepared hazard. Sometimes this hurts the monster directly, sometimes it just exposes their big glowing weak spot. Like Gordon Freeman luring the Gargantua into a generator and flicking the switch to pump it full of juice in Half Life, or the Stone Golem fight (which also uses lightning) in the first Witcher game.

RIght this way.

Technique the third!

The Coup de Grace

Where the last two we’re all about positioning, this one takes a little more initiative. It’s common knowledge that anything over eight feet tall has, somewhere on its body, a glowing weak point.

I wonder where my bullets go...)

The coup de grace involves laying into this weak point with one big, big strike, for big, big damage. Usually it’s in plain view, like Poison Ivy’s big Biollante knock off from Arkham Asylum. Its invincible, until Ivy herself pops out to laugh at you and you throw a baterang at her head.

Sometimes, its hidden behind inexplicably thin armor, i.e. the ice monster from Metroid Prime. It’s glowy bits are hidden under ice, but you have rockets, so that doesn’t matter.

ChIlL OuT!!!1

Technique the fourth!

The Flea

This! This is my favorite! I can’t believe no one’s tried this on Goji, it’s so simple and elegant. Step one! Hop on the beast, preferably on some conveniently placed stair-shaped wreckage. Step two! Climb the beast using its hair/craggy skin, making your way to its glowing weak point. Step Three! Stab. With gusto. The only problem with this move is the dismount.

I had examples of all my other techniques but...I dunno I can’t really….recall….

There was….what was that one game…

Its right on the tip of my tongue…

Oh well.

Of course if all these fail due to physical limitations or you know, the core gameplay, you can use my second favorite technique: Bail And Let Ultraman Take Care Of It.

Love ‘em? Hate ‘em? Gonna try and port the Master Sword into the game? Let me know in the comments, brave hunters.


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Featured Kyle Minnick Featured Kyle Minnick

'Pacific Rim: Uprising' Trailer Released!

Well the time has come to check out the official first trailer for 'Pacific Rim: Uprising'. Check it out!

Well the time has come to check out the official first trailer for 'Pacific Rim: Uprising'. Check it out below!

Whoa that tells us a lot about the film we have in store for us. Jaegers fighting Jaeger! Little Kaiju that combine to make a super Kaiju! A horrible rap song!

There sure is a lot to digest so look forward to a full trailer breakdown at some point this weekend!

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