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'Godzilla: King of the Monsters' Trailer 1 Breakdown

Time to go shot-by-shot and pick apart the trailer for all of the little details we can grab. Enjoy this full breakdown of the first trailer for ‘Godzilla: King of the Monsters!’

Sorry I'm a bit later on this article than I originally planned but I needed some time to process this amazing trailer. I haven't done one of these shot by shot breakdowns in awhile but I imagine I will be doing this for all of the 'Godzilla: King of the Monsters' trailers moving forward so look forward to those. For now, enjoy this breakdown of the amazing Comic Con trailer for Godzilla 2.

Here's our first look at Millie Bobby Brown playing Madison Russell. I love her in Stranger Things and I think she is a great lead for this film and possibly the franchise. She seems to be looking at something scary...

Well that's definitely a scary sight! I believe this is the storm system caused by King Ghidorah simply existing rolling into Boston which is where our climactic battle take place. Run Madison run!

Vera Farminga seems to playing our villain, Dr. Emma Russell, as she discusses humanity being a cancer to our planet. She and whatever organization she works for seem to be trying to wake up all of the monsters that Monarch have been studying. The end goal of this is to allow the Titans (M.U.T.O. has been retired as the catch all phrase for Kaiju in the Monsterverse) to rid the world of humanity. Also did I forget to mention she is Madison's mother?

Kyle Chandler plays Mark Russell (Madison's father) who is seen hanging out with Monarch for the entirety of the trailer. I'm not sure if he works for them or is just using Monarch to get his daughter back. I have heard that he and his wife are divorced which we'll come back to later in this trailer.

Monarch seems to be investigating an underwater temple of some sort. Who's leading this undersea journey?

Dr. Serizawa of course! Ken Watanbe is reprising his role from 'Godzilla (2014)' and is one of two returning cast members.

This ancient civilization seems to have worshiped Godzilla back in the day.

Two more of our new characters! O'Shea Jackson Jr. (who is a huge Godzilla fan) is playing Chief Warrant Officer Barnes who is the leader of G-Team. G-Team sounds like it is the military squad that reports directly to Monarch. Thomas Middleditch plays the government liaison of Monarch. He reports all the details of the Titans to the higher ups in the US government. Wonder what Godzilla is up to?

Mark Russell looks into the depths of the ocean from the bridge of some sort of submarine and is granted a glimpse of the King of the Monsters. The use of color and light in this sequence is beautiful and haunting at the same time.

Love this reflection in the glass shot!

The rest of Monarch look on in awe at Godzilla. Not sure what the context of this scene actually is but man is it pretty.

Sally Hawkins is back as Dr. Vivienne Graham and is the other returning character form 'Godzilla (2014).' Interestingly it doesn't look like Dr. Serizawa is with them on the sub. Wonder where he is?

Ladies and gentlemen I give you our first look at King Ghidorah aka Monster Zero. He is currently frozen in ice in the Antarctic and is dormant. Judging from the rest of the trailer I don't expect him to be here long.

Madison seems to be traveling with whatever this evil organization is called. Note that Charles Dance is here too and is probably the leader of the organization. They are definitely looking up at Ghidorah.

So this shot is interesting because it is of San Francisco. I don't think we are going to see Godzilla destroy San Fran again so I'm betting on this being some sort of flashback. Why would they need to flashback? Well I have a theory that we'll get to later.

Mothra cocoon! Love the blue lighting again! man there sure is a lot of Blue in this trailer (for the "good" monsters only it seems).

Mothra is the most different looking of all of the Titans we have seen thus far. I'm not 100% sold on the small eye but I will probably grow to like it after we get to see the whole design.

That's an interesting skin texture you've got there Mothra. 

Godzilla rising from the water will never not be cool! You also get a good first look at the different dorsal fin design but more on that in a second.

There's our big boy! Michael Dougherty really did change the dorsal fins and they look way better than the 2014 design. Michael seems to have gone back to the more maple leafy look of the Toho movies and upped their size by a bunch. I really didn't have a big problem with the 2014 dorsal plates but I do like these a lot better. 

Whoa he glows a lot more when he uses his breath. I love it!

This was the first image we ever saw of this film and man is it beautiful in motion. His breath has gotten a huge upgrade from the previous film! Also note the sub that was previously viewing him in the water on the left.

Mothra unfurls her wings in probably the most beautiful shot in the trailer. She looks so regal and really gives off that goddess feeling. If you look closely you can see Mothra's head and eyes in this shot as well.

Her wingspan is huge! I read the stats on the viral marketing page but seeing it is a whole other thing. She is going to need to be this big to stack up against the other threats in this film. 

This is the facility studying the Mothra cocoon before she hatches.

A facility at the peak of a volcano explodes and releases one of our other monsters. I think this ties into another shot later in the trailer so bear with me.

Rodan is free! I love the smoldering ember look they gave to his wings and I am super happy that he looks ripped straight from a Toho film. The thing that looks like a second Rodan in this picture actually is an advanced plane that I'm guessing G-Team uses. I spotted it later in the trailer as well. 

As I said with his design, this is ripped straight out of a Toho film! Rodan simply flying over a city and it being blown away (akin to a nuclear blast) is exactly the imagery I have always wanted to see with modern special effects.

I believe this is Madison running desperately away from Ghidorah's gravity beams! I believe this sequenece follows a shot later in the trailer.

Nice little nod to John Carpenter's 'The Thing'! That movie took place at facility #31 in the Antarctic and Ghidorah's facility is #32. Also these are the evil organization's soldiers storming the facility.

Family photo of our main characters and there seems to be an older brother in the picture. Hey remember how I said that I had a theory about the shot of San Francisco earlier in the trailer? I wonder if the son died in the San Fran attack in 2014 and it caused Emma and Mark to get a divorce. The death of her child could be the reason Emma wants to wipe humanity off the earth via Titan. Just a theory for now.

Things get nuts when Ghidorah is flying around. Not sure if this is a gravity beam or just a random bolt of lightning but regardless Ghidorah is the cause.

Madison seems to be in a spot of Ghidorah trouble in this scene but it appears to be taking place in a house. Her house in Boston is a safe bet.

Lava temple! We see this place later in the trailer but judging off it's design and it's location inside of a volcano, I'm guessing this is a temple devoted to Rodan. The movie is pulling from various mythologies and stating that the Titans are the truth behind many of the mythological creatures in our real world. Rodan is Quetzalcoatl so the mayan/aztech temple makes all sorts of sense.

This is probably that explosion we saw earlier at the peak of the volcano. Rodan awakens!

One of the most foreboding shots in the trailer, Ghidorah and Rodan are clearly apocalyptic events and have completely wiped out Boston. The visuals are once again stunning.

Ok I'm pretty sure this is in the same sequence of Madison running away from the gravity beams tearing apart the Antarctic facility. Ghidorah has a very nightmare inducing look in his eye. Get out of there Madison!

Rodan takes out some fighter jets in what will be one of the more thirilling sequences in the movie. Very cool brief look at Rodan's mouth/beak in this shot (love the teeth). 

Rodan skims the water while fighting the jets and leaves burning wreckage in his wake.

Ghidorah has arrived and he is huge! if you look close enough at the tiny blue light you will see that it is the G-Team plane from earlier. Not sure how long it will last against that! I really love the glowing eyes and his wingspan is something Rodan and Mothra must be jeaslous of. 

"Long Live the King." I think he's talking about Ghidorah not Godzilla.

Brief glimpse of Rodan's head. He has the two horns flowing back just like the original Toho design. I love how his silhouette is instantly recognizable. 

Seeing something so big move so fast is scary!

Wait somebody is in that lava temple that explodes? Who is it?

Madison looks up as jets fly into what I'm assuming is Boston. These three final shots of her and Godzilla clearly flow together.

Hmm so Serizawa is the one in the lava temple? He wasn't on the sub earlier so maybe he doesn't get out before the bomb goes off. 

This is Mothra using her "Blinding God Rays" as described in the viral marketing. 

Madison smiling at Godzilla's arrival. I think this takes places before the shot of the jets flying over her.

A king's arrival is never silent. Godzilla leads an army of jets into the storm to fight Ghidorah!

Wow that was one heck of a trailer! We got so much more from it than I expected and I think I speak for all Godzilla fans when I say the wait was worth it. We've got 10 month's until the movie releases and I can't wait for the marketing to kick into high gear again. I leave you with the first poster for the film!

How excited are you for the movie now that we've gotten the first trailer?

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Featured Kyle Minnick Featured Kyle Minnick

'Godzilla: King of the Monsters' - Viral Marketing Round-up Part 1

All aboard the hype train everybody! Yesterday, in prep for their San Diego Comic Con presentation on Saturday, Legendary launched the viral marketing campaign for the sequel to 'Godzilla (2104)' and gave us a bunch of juicy new details about our three main monsters: Rodan, Mothra, and King Ghidorah. We also got some new images including a look at the official title card for the movie. Also somebody snuck a look at the official trailer classification and got us a runtime for the trailer premiering on Saturday! Lots of info to digest folks so let's get to it!

All aboard the hype train everybody! Yesterday, in prep for their San Diego Comic Con presentation on Saturday, Legendary launched the viral marketing campaign for the sequel to 'Godzilla (2104)' and gave us a bunch of juicy new details about our three main monsters: Rodan, Mothra, and King Ghidorah. We also got some new images including a look at the official title card for the movie. Also somebody snuck a look at the official trailer classification and got us a runtime for the trailer premiering on Saturday! Lots of info to digest folks so let's get to it!

First thing we got other than a tweet by @monarchsciences was a brief teaser clip featuring Millie Bobby Brown attempting to get a hold of Monarch. Things don't sound like they are going well with whoever picked up the radio and you can clearly hear some sort of roar overlapping the sounds of screaming.

Next thing we got was the official viral marketing website (monarchsciences.com) which is a very cool ARG type site. There are Monarch symbols all over the globe and a few of them can be licked on which reveal a massive info dump of details into what monarch knows about the big 3 main Titans in this new movie. It appears Monarch has been studying these new dormant creatures for a very long time. Some people have already broken through the next clearance level so I will be posting to Let's break them down one by one:


The Monarch research base studying Rodan is located in Mexico and states the following:

Within a Monarch containment facility atop the active Isla de Mona volcano, a mysterious Titan lies in pyrostasis within the restless magma. The legends speak of it as the “Fire Demon” or “The One Born of Fire”, but a simpler name echoes through the ancient temples of volcanically active regions: “Rodan”.
A volcanic internal combustion system of magma flows throughout a body covered in rock-like scales that act as geothermal armor. While much larger in size, Rodan has a skeletal structure similar to that of a Pteranodon - one of the earliest vertebrates known to have developed the power of flight. Just as Kong is king of the primates, Rodan may have once been king of the skies.
Because of the extreme temperatures within this particular containment facility, current lab equipment can’t function properly. As a result, thermal heat signatures on the creature are impossible to collect, and Monarch detection crews conducted cardiograms via aerial satellite for life sign detection and verification. Much like the volcano that incubates it, Rodan is alive but dormant.
Rodan’s wings are wrapped around its body in stasis, but our cryptos estimate a wingspan big enough to create a sonic thunderclap capable of leveling entire cities as it flies overhead. RF-Capture scans reveal that Rodan’s skin is not made of rock, but does have an outer dermis of sharp volcanic sediment collected from centuries of dormancy. Sci-ops theorizes the vulcanized appearance of its skin may be an evolutionary trait developed as a form of camouflage against mountain or large rock formations. Truly, a Titan forged in fire.

Rodan sounds so freaking cool! I love that they are really making him out to be a villain or at least a force of destruction. I don't see Godzilla and him getting along like the old days.


Mothra can be found in China and the research data says:

From erased Nazca lines to the hidden Temple of the Moth, the name “Mothra” is woven throughout the most secret mythologies of our planet. The folklore and fairy tales tell of a winged creature of blinding light, an angel of the clouds whose god-like luminescence has the power to shatter the sky.
Ancient spirit tablets discovered in the mountain jungles of the Yunnan Province portray a giant winged alpha of the Lepidoptera order. In all of our findings, human civilization is pictographically shown in poses that imply deification of the so-called “Queen of the Monsters”, suggesting the creature was once a benign part of the natural order.
When Monarch containment crews discovered the live Titan chrysalis within the Chinese myth site, Dr. Emma Russell was quickly dispatched to closely monitor the creature that lay dormant within it. A quickening sonar pulse suggests the creature is awakening. If she ever emerges from her ancient slumber, a superspecies that once illuminated the sky will be reborn as Mothra.
Pupal DNA samples suggest a remarkable, multi-stage evolution. On reaching adulthood, Mothra’s gigantic thorax is capable of emitting beta-wave bioluminescence which can be projected through the intricate patterns on its wings and weaponized into blinding ‘god rays’. As one of the deadliest and most beautiful natural phenomena in Earth’s history, no wonder this devastating guardian angel was worshipped as a goddess by the ancient human civilizations blessed to witness her.

That cave painting of Mothra looks super weird but the last picture looks like the traditional silhouette. Also the look we got at last Comic Con made her look like the traditional Mothra shape. The descriptor of "Queen of the Monsters" is a very nice touch.


Monster Zero is located in the Antarctic and we get a lot of terrifying hints with this info:

From the Hydra to the Rainbow Serpent, myth was the compass that led us to the resting place of the three-headed Titan. A name, unspoken through millennia of whispered nightmares. A living extinction event, named “the one who is many”. We call it Monster Zero.
At a Monarch containment facility deep in the frozen tundra of Antarctica, a three-headed winged serpent of ancient yet unknown origin lies frozen within a glacial tomb of ice. This is without question the largest superspecies ever discovered, easily dwarfing Godzilla at a height of over five-hundred feet tall.
Cranial scans reveal a divergent frontal lobe density in the brains of the three heads, denoting each head has disparate levels of cognitive functions, and possibly even independent thought.
Monster Zero’s dermal layer is gilded with trace amounts of aurum (See Ark Record # 73.126). Metallurgical studies theorize the scales act as a conductor capable of carrying bioelectrical currents through the creature’s body. Injuries have been discovered on several locations on the beast’s body, reminiscent of claw and scorch marks. Exo-Forensics are currently investigating. Muscle tendons on the wings are so hyper-tensile that their massive aerodynamics could generate hurricane-force winds when in flight. Coupled with its body’s electro-receptor molecular biology capable of conducting electrical currents, water vapor in the air would be heated at extreme levels creating its own localized storm system as it travels. Simply put, if Monster Zero were to fly again, the stratosphere would be torn open by an otherworldly tempest of thunder and lightning our sky has never seen. Cryptolinguistics has analyzed translations of every worldwide case study of Monster Zero in the Monarch database across tens of thousands of years. The ancients called it Ghidorah.

Ghidorah is HUGE! Also I love all of the little details in regards to how it is going to to rip apart the atmosphere if it flies again. Last little note is that it appear the three heads having different personalities is confirmed.

Also on the viral site you can find Godzilla swimming towards the west coast of America. Someone online did the math and he should arrive right around the time of the trailer drop. There are a ton of other research sites on the globe that may have hints to some of the other monsters lying dormant in the MonsterVerse but we'll have to wait for more of them to unlock.


Credit to Gormaru Island on Facebook for this image

Looks like we are actually getting a full trailer on Saturday! The trailer will be 2 minutes and 23 seconds long and will surely give us some juicy plot details. Look forward to our coverage of this on Saturday as soon as it releases!

What do you guys think of all of this? Are your hype levels maximum? Comment and let us know!

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Featured Kyle Minnick Featured Kyle Minnick

'Godzilla: King of the Monsters' First Images Revealed!!!!

I have no words to describe the awesomeness that is this first image of the sequel to Godzilla 2014. This is glorious.

I have no words to describe the awesomeness that is this first image of the sequel to Godzilla 2014. This is glorious.

These two images were revealed exclusively through Entertainment Weekly and include a couple of noteworthy quotes from Michael Dougherty.

“The world is reacting to Godzilla in the same way we would react to any other terrifying incident, in that we are overreacting,” says director Michael Dougherty, whose previous credits include the horror movie Krampus. Godzilla hasn’t been seen since that destructive finale, “but there’s paranoia and endless speculation about whether he is the only one out there or whether we’re threatened by others like his kind.”

None of this is new information but the next quote is more interesting.

“Rodan’s been kind of a sidekick character, but I’ve always had a soft spot for him” says Dougherty. “In a lot of ways he’s more powerful than Godzilla. He’s like this winged A-bomb. I think we’ve done him justice.” But let’s not forget Godzilla himself, who reveals he has the ability to exhale “atomic breath.” Can Dougherty expand on that description? “Not without giving away too much,” he laughs. “But it takes place at a very key moment and it’s a sort of call to arms.”

Rodan being mentioned so much is intriguing becasue I actually assumed he was going to get the short end of the stick when it came to screen time in the film. Also "call to arms"? I think we can safely assume a team up is going to happen to combat Ghidorah.

"The 2019 film’s human characters include Dr. Emma Russell (Vera Farmiga), a scientist working for the beastie-hunting organization Monarch, and her daughter Madison, who is portrayed by Stranger Things star Millie Bobby Brown. The pair are kidnapped by what Dougherty describes as “a mysterious organization, with their own plans for the creatures.”

Evil organization to counteract Monarch?! The plot thickens!

Expect to learn more info as we get closer to Godzilla's Hall H presentation next Saturday.


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Featured Kyle Minnick Featured Kyle Minnick

'Godzilla: City on the Edge of Battle' Release Date Officially Announced!

Unlike the last really confusing Hollywood Reporter article, this time Netflix themselves have announced the world wide release date of the Godzilla anime sequel! Check out the announcement trailer and the release date after the break.

Unlike the last really confusing Hollywood Reporter article, this time Netflix themselves have announced the world wide release date of the Godzilla anime sequel! Check out the announcement trailer and the release date below.

July 18th is our date! Everybody mark your calendars because this is not a drill!

Look forward to our Special Report of the movie shortly after its release. We will go into more details of when that Special Report will be happening during the episode we are recording this weekend about the Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters comic.

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Featured Kyle Minnick Featured Kyle Minnick

'Godzilla: City on the Edge of Battle' Trailer 2 - Godzilla Earth is very upset!

One day out from the theatrical release in Japan we get another trailer for the next installment in the Godzilla Anime trilogy. Check it out!

One day out from the theatrical release in Japan we get another trailer for the next installment in the Godzilla Anime trilogy. Check it out!

Well there's not much to talk about in this trailer to be honest. They are still hiding MechaGodzilla and are only showing brief glimpses of Godzilla himself. Godzilla Earth definitely seems to have some sort of powered up mode that resembles burning Godzilla. I believe it is how he is going to get his attack past whatever defense this new MechaGodzilla has. 

The movie comes out tomorrow in Japan so be wary of spoilers from here on out. Did this trailer get you more excited for this?

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Featured Kyle Minnick Featured Kyle Minnick

'Godzilla: City On The Edge Of Battle' Trailer -Wait...IS THAT A GUNDAM?

Toho surprised us all late last night with the release of the first trailer for the Godzilla Anime's sequel. Check it out!

Toho surprised us all late last night with the release of the first trailer for the Godzilla Anime's sequel. Check it out!

Just like the trailers of the first movie, this one is in Japanese only and no subs are available. Everything looks very similar to the first one and we don't get a good look at the new MechaGodzilla in action...but we do get some awesome Gundam type mechs attempting to stop Godzilla Earth and that looks like a lot of fun! I also find it very interesting that Godzilla Earth seems to glow orange when using his actual beam.

What did you think of the trailer?

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Featured Kyle Minnick Featured Kyle Minnick

'Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom' Final Trailer - It Was All A Lie!

Well today we get our final big look at 'Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom' before its big release in June and boy is this new trailer great. Not only does it show off more of the story but it gives us our first good look at the new Indoraptor. Check it out!

Well today we get our final big look at 'Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom' before its big release in June and boy is this new trailer great. Not only does it show off more of the story but it gives us our first good look at the new Indoraptor. Check it out!

Whoa this new trailer has a bunch of new information! It looks like the remnants of Ingen are up to no good and are selling the rescued dinosaurs from Isla Nublar on the black market. That can't be good. 

Also the Indoraptor sure looks like it is going to be even more monstrous than the Indominus Rex. This is the I-Rex perfected and it is absolutely horrifying. This trailer really shows off some of the thriller/horror elements that were missing from the first Jurassic World. I'm so excited to see this movie.

Also check out the new poster released yesterday!

Did this trailer amp up your excitement for the movie? Let us know in the comments below!

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Featured Kyle Minnick Featured Kyle Minnick

'The Meg' Trailer 1 - There's a Monster Outside...

The giant monster movie renaissance continues and this time we've got a giant shark prehistoric shark to worry about. The new film 'The Meg' is based off the hit book MEG by Steve Alten and features Jason Statham in the lead role as Jonas Taylor. Check out our first glimpse of the movie!

The giant monster movie renaissance continues and this time we've got a giant shark prehistoric shark to worry about. The new film 'The Meg' is based off the hit book MEG by Steve Alten and features Jason Statham in the lead role as Jonas Taylor. Check out our first glimpse of the movie!

Wow I am actually kind of surprised by how far off from the book the movie seems to be. The book takes itself very seriously and so far the movie looks like it's going to play up the joke of a giant shark attacking the world. Little of the books plot seems to have carried over to the film but this is just the first trailer so who knows what secrets the final product will hold. I'm very surprised by how SyFy channel the film looks but maybe it'll end up being a B-movie in the best kind of way.

Also check out the poster below:

What did you guys think of the trailer? Are you guys excited to see a Megalodon causing terror on the big screen?

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Featured Kyle Minnick Featured Kyle Minnick

'Pacific Rim: Uprising' Imax Trailer - "I Think We Pissed Him Off"

Even though the last trailer was listed as "final" it appears the marketing department doesn't know the meaning of the word. This new trailer is super action packed and maybe gives a little too much away. Check it out!

Even though the last trailer was listed as "final" it appears the marketing department doesn't know the meaning of the word. This new trailer is super action packed and maybe gives a little too much away. Check it out!

Potential Spoilers

Still here? Good! 

Well it looks like this trailer gave away the death of one of the Jaegers. I mean I think we were all kidding ourselves if we thought they would all survive but I feel like I really didn't want to know which one was going to be ripped to shreds.

This trailer is actually probably the first one to sell me on the movie. Maybe it's because the effects finally look close to being finished but this trailer sure made the movie look like a lot of fun!

What did you think of the IMAX trailer?

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