'Jurassic World 2' Will Shoot In The UK, Title To Be Announced Soon


As we've previously reported, 'Jurassic World 2' has a new director and is moving full steam ahead. News will be coming often as the film moves out of development and into pre-production, with the cast and crew already starting to open up about what we can expect from the ambitious reboot's sequel.

It seems that the movie will be primarily filmed on sound stages somewhere in the UK. Pinewood Studios is a possibility, but they're booked up years in advance, so you would think we would have already heard about that bit of news. The fact that they're moving away from Hawaii (where every other 'Jurassic Park' film used as a location) is pretty telling that we're going to have a very different story this time around. Are we going to see a predominantly urban adventure for the first time in the franchise's history? This could be an amazing turn for the series, even though we've briefly seen this kind of interaction in the original sequel 'Jurassic Park: The Lost World,' it was received divisively by fans and critics alike. Hopefully, we'll know more about what the script has planned for us in the near future.

The second bit of news comes straight from the newly appointed director Juan Antonio Bayona and is from a Spanish television program he was being interviewed on. Thanks to the fine people over at the JP Legacy twitter account, it was revealed that Bayona knows the title of the film and that it will be public knowledge soon. He will be meeting with producers of the film Steven Spielberg, Frank Marshall, and Colin Treverrow in the near future to discuss details of the upcoming production, and we can only hope that they will steer him in the right direction.

'Jurassic Park 2' is scheduled to be released June 22, 2018.


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